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The world of private jets has always been known for over-the-top designs.

Because it's one of the leading builders of high-end aircraft, we figured that Gulfstream Aerospace would be the perfect place to find out what the hottest new trend in the industry is.

According to Tray Crow, Gulfstream's director of interior design, that would be ... stone.

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Ray Dalio, the founder of hedge fund behemoth $160 billion Bridgewater Associates, has dethroned George Soros as the most successful hedge fund manager, according to a new ranking.

London-based fund of funds LCH Investments, a subsidiary of Edmond de Rothschild Capital Holdings Limited, just released its annual top 20 "most successful money managers" list for 2015.

The list measures net gains (after fees) of hedge fund manager's since their respective fund's inception.

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High-speed trading firms have taken over the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

DMMs are human traders on the floor of the NYSE who are supposed to "f

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